C-Mizar Bot is a Telegram-based tool that allows users to manage their trading positions and bots by sending commands directly through Telegram. This bot is part of the Mizar platform and provides seamless control over trading activities, especially for those using DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) bots. To activate the bot, users need to link their Telegram account through the Mizar platform’s account settings. Once connected, users can create groups, invite the bot, and assign it as an admin to start controlling their trading bots.
For more by Mizar check : @Mizartradingbot
To link to a particular DCA bot and start signal transmission, follow these steps:
Manage trading bots and positions directly through Telegram
Easily link the bot to a DCA trading bot for signal transmission
Requires the creation of a Telegram group and granting admin rights to the bot
Open and close trading positions with simple Telegram commands.
If you’re an official trader, commands like opening or closing positions will be broadcast to all subscriptions and followers
Open a Position
To open a new position and broadcast the message to all your subscriptions and followers (if you’re an official trader), use the command:Copy
/openposition symbol=base_asset/quote_asset tp=take_profit_threshold sl=stop_loss_threshold s=side
/openposition symbol=BTC/USDT tp=0.05 sl=0.1 s=long
This command will purchase BTC with USDT, adjusting the take profit to 5% and stop loss to 10%. If you don’t specify tp and sl, the bot will use the settings configured. Tp accepts values from 0 to 5 and sl from 0 to 1. The ‘side’ parameter is necessary only if the bot can go LONG and SHORT.
To close a position and propagate the message to all your subscriptions and followers (if you’re an official trader), use the command:Copy
/closeposition symbol=base_asset/quote_asset
Works fine, but the price is too high